
Elementary Montessori elementary classroom is a rich community setting where children can fully explore their learning potentials while receiving ongoing individualised support for each of their academic, social and emotional needs. The subject areas are presented in an integrated manner using concrete materials that allow for both independent research and group work. The children’s work with these materials aids their understanding of concepts while preparing them for abstraction with their reasoning minds. Embracing Dr. Montessori’s philosophy of “Cosmic Education”, our students are further encouraged to identify ways in which they can contribute positively to the social and environmental well-being of the school community and the global village. Our classrooms are model democracies where children conduct meetings to help plan fundraising events and outings, and learn to solve issues in a fair and cooperative manner. Here is an overview of our elementary curriculum:

  • Mathematics: Explored with concrete materials, understood through abstraction.
  • Geometry: The measurement of the earth and the study of shapes and solids.
  • Language: From spoken word to reading, writing and creative expression.
  • History: From early humans to the study of civilizations.
  • Geography: The laws of the universe, the work of air and water, human cultures.
  • Biology: A comprehensive study of the animal and plant kingdoms.
  • Science: An experiential understanding gained through hands on experiments.
  • French: The fundamentals of expression and comprehension.
  • P.E.: Skill Development and Cooperative Games
  • Art, Music: Fully integrated into the curriculum.
  • Field Trips: To supplement learning acquired in the class.
  • Outings: Self and group directed “research” trips planned by the children.

Physical Education is an integral part of a complete Montessori experience. The primary aim of PE is to enable all students to enhance their quality of life through active living. Movement and play are focal points of children’s lives and critical to all aspects of their growth and development. A physical education program provides opportunities for all students, regardless of their skill level, to be regularly active while developing appreciation and enjoyment of movement. It is through movement and participation in sporting activities that children enhance their memory and concentration, develop problem solving skills and have a more positive attitude towards self and others. Children go by school bus to a local gym from October to April. In the warmer months and when it is nice out, PE is held outdoors.

French in our elementary program is a continuation of work presented in our preschool. The French program at our school is consistent with the Prescribed Learning Outcomes outlined by the BC Ministry of Education. French is offered through a communicative and experiential approach through a study of different themes and is integrated with music, dance and, language and visual arts. An emphasis is placed on oral, writing and listening skills and on grammar and comprehension. Our intention is to help our students develop an appreciation for both French language and culture.

Elementary Field Trips vary each year. Examples include: Art Galleries, Museums, Theatres, Nature Parks, CirKids, Skiing, Swimming, Bike Hikes, Camp, and Rock Climbing